Thanks to all the above for the appreciation of the review. It was a good fun kit to build and paint, and I've now grown quite fond of the pristine look that it has (apart from the old ladder) and suspect I may never get around to weathering it.
Kevin, you've unfortunately made the forbidden comment when discussing braille scale builds! 1/35th
Jan, the metal axles... I should probably try to get a photo to show the model from a very low angle, but at the front at least there is some add on piece of detailing which I think may be there in an attempt to give the sort of profile that the front axles on a rear wheel drive truck should have - I think they should be a kind of double dog leg shape fabricated from a shallow H-section - and disguise the straight -through look of the metal axle. As with the glazing piece, it certainly adds to the easy buildability of the kit, as the wheels just slot straight on and stay nice and straight and all lined-up (mine aren't even glued on). I'm sure we've all experienced the difficulties of attaching and aligning wheels on some of these small kits before - so maybe they have simplicity in mind with an eye to attracting younger modellers, which is no bad thing.
On the pricing, I hope I haven't been unfair on Fujimi, as this new line of kits don't actually seem to be being distributed in the UK at all.
I see that the prices of kits can vary enormously; for example, Hannants in the UK are selling the Roden Blitz truck for £7.98 - but advertise it as being 1/3 off, and sell the Blitz bus at £12.99, so that's no different to this Fujimi kit. Prices on Roden kits are somewhat competitive here due to Ebay sellers from Poland, but even then it's common for them to £7.99+ £3P&P.
Looking at Hannants again, they sell Dragon's Protz for £15.50, or how about £17.50 for their SdKfz 251?
AJ, I haven't built the Italeri kit (RRP £9.99

) but see from elsewhere that it has a similar approach in terms of those moulded in back windows. Comments elsewhere suggest that the detail is somewhat softer than on this kit, and that recently they have released an updated version that includes a glazing sheet for the cab, presumably the windows used to just be "empty". The breakdown of the kit looks very similar however. Must admit I'm almost tempted to go get it just to find out how it compares, but will fight that temptation and hope someone else can shed some light. (Where are those Italeri review items??

Fred, thanks! As I said above, I quite like the look of it like this as well.