I just bought this download, since I am working on the same kit for the current 1/48 scale campaign which ends in September, and I can use all the help that's out there. I found it helpful, but too brief, and for the subject matter chosen it has two significant oversights. The first is the author's decision to model the halftrack with a tarp cover.The finishing and weathering of the interior is not featured, so why choose a halftrack? I think that rendering the open troop compartment in a realistic and convincing way seems like a big part of the challenge and appeal of tackling this subject, and it's omission is significant. The second issue is the treatment of the wheels. The photos show the wheels on the fully assembled, unpainted kit going through primer, base coat, and weathering, without addressing the issue of overspray on the rubber surfaces. Judging from reference photos, it's clear that many paint schemes were applied as "field expedient," and that neatness was not always the priority of the day, but there are also reference photos showing rather careful application of base paint and subsequent camouflage paint over the wheels.