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Hi all, a little help please.
What would be the best 1/35th Tiger 1 available to use as a Hungarian Army example and why would this or that kit be the best choice.
Hi Rod,
If you take a look at the
'Tiger für Ungarn' section at the TIIF site, here:
http://www.tiif.de/thread.php?threadid=227&sid=You'll see and read that they received a mix of Tiger types from the 503 and the 509.
Most of the photos appear to show late Tigers with either the 40mm roof or the 25mm roof.
You'll see one Tiger under the title:
This kit, Dragon 6416, represents that one specific Tiger:

A great kit straight out of the box (with ATAK zimmerit) :

The 6416 kit is also probably the best kit to represent the Tiger
'214 (ex509)'. This one:

..though you'll need to change the front side-hull extensions.
A couple of the others;
'Tiger 122/503 od.ehem.Mittermeier' and
'Tiger 300'.
Look to be late Tigers with the 40mm roof, so you could use this kit, Dragon 6404:

..or this kit, 6383, if you don't want to do your own zimmerit:

Personally I'm a fan of the 6416 'Kurzmaul' kit, just because it's features are a bit different.
Quite a rare kit now but can still be found at a normal (non-ebay) price.
HTH, Grant.