Unfortunately, that link is
utterly useless to me, because it takes me to a web page where it is
assumed that I am
dying to enter the great wide world of blogging, and only the creation of my blogger.com blog profile is preventing this, so there is no URL to any page on the blogger.com host that does
not force me to the 'create your profile' page. And there's no way to abort out of the process. Google rising to a level of "We're certain we know where you want to go today" worthy of Microsoft.
Update: After some digging into support topics, the URL
http://www.blogger.com/feeds/8809025673535294370/posts/defaultappears to go to the right blog, and
http://plasticmodelbuilding.blogspot.com/2012/08/trumpeter-railway-gondola.htmlgoes to the blog entry on the Trumpeter gondola kit.