What I wanted to do was start to use some of the skills I have been taught as an Industrial Design student to make my scale model building better, so here goes.
First up is the suspension system, a lot of what we do in Industrial is making things that work (works like models Vs Looks like models) after looking at the springs I was very underwhelmed, the replacement spring is .97mm mild spring steal formed on the lathe.
The next part was making working independent suspension, after cutting and drilling the axels and making new shocks from brass tube the final linkage pins are formed from thick gauge guitar wire.

The next part was the most fun making working headlights, indicators, brake lights, cabin lights and screen and dial lights. The headlights are 3mm bright white LEDs and the indicators are micro chip LEDs (for all the rivet counters out there the micro chip LEDs are 1.5mm x2mm, so really tiny

The next stage is building a Cat C7 ARR engine and Allison 3500Sp transmission to replace the plastic blocks that came in the kit hehe