I'm back with other Brazilian Army tank. That time the tank is a M4 Sherman.
The EB11-341 is Sherman with lower serial number among all the vehicles of this type received by the Brazilian Army.
With the serial number 1805, it is a model built by American M4 Loco, one of the 500 M4 and M4A2 that has produced this batch numbering from 1405 to 1904.
This Sherman arrived in Brazil during World War II.
In the 1960s it was painted silver in color and was nicknamed "Vovô" (Grandpa), because ir is the oldest Sherman received by Brazilian Army. It was the car of the command in the 1st BCC (First Combat Cars Battalion) and always appeared in parades, with a total highlight due to its color, extremely eccentric.

In the 1970s this Sherman has returned to painting in olive, common to other vehicles, but in 2008, retired after 35 years, this car has been restored and is once again in silver, participating in military parades.