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That stuff is awesome, but I really am not a fan of the huge castings for the M1078 truck. I hate trying to paint individual items, it is just irritating to me.
Not only that, but with a monolithic block of gear, you've cut out half the opportunity for individualization -- two different people use the same upgrade set, or you build two of them, all the gear is going to be arranged
identically between the two vehicles, and the only thing you can do with it is paint the items in the casting differently. And even if you get each rucksack, jerry can, and camo net painted differently, how likely is it that two different crews are going to throw gear into the back of their vehicles and have it wind up in
exactly the same spot?
I agree that it's an impressive addition, and saves a
ton of work doing it all from scratch, but monolithic add-ons like this have some inherent limitations that can reduce their usability.