Hopefully this build log will help you guys catch a mistake before I do anything horrifically stupid.
I've already done the guy way in the back:

I modified this figure

Into this:

DON'T JUDGE HIM! D: He's not that important to the scene & I know he's not too good.
But I've started our main character:

I bought the 352nd Volksgrenadiers kit, and the HG Division kit. I butchered the poor guys from the HG kit, and came out with this:

Added a spare arm that "Last Battle" Gen2 kit, picked a head, filled gaps with putty, carved part of the torso, and then used putty to rebuild it. Not quite the bionic man, but after primer, this is what I've got:

My primer is brush painted on, and it looks a bit odd. Any tips on that?
So that's where I'm at, and I would love to get feedback before I do anything else, because there's bound to be a crapload of screw ups that I missed.
So please, help a kid out
