Thought I'd make a foray into Armor modelling. I'm primarily an A/c modeler, but I'd just like to step into the dark side for a mo'

I am making an old 1/72 Hasegawa kit of the Pzkpfw V Panther G. The kit looks OK, and should be quite easy to build, IMO.
However, the painting instructions are quite not clear. From what I've seen of this tank's pics on the Net, it looks like a combo of red, yellow and green. I'd prefer a clear 3-view drawing of the tank(preferably in color) to make my camo pattern.
Can anyone out there help me out by pointing to a site where such a camo scheme in 3-view is available, or if you can scan a camo pattern and send it across to [email protected]? I don't mind if the diagram shows it in black and white, as long as the camo pattern is outlined clearly.
Thanks In Advance,