About a week ago I posted a few images of a 'T-34 in Berlin' diorama, and had some constructive feedback. Principally, the installation lacked sufficient (and varied) debris around the base of the buildings, and it was also recommended that I include some civilian items for variety.
I've now added debris of different type/texture/size, mainly along the rear elevations but some items along the front too. The tank has been 'weighted' with additional rubble around the tracks to stop the floating effect, and I've added a few civilian features in the rubble.
Rather than choose salon furniture for effect, I used Plus Models resin set of 'Tailoring' items. which includes a mannequin (tailor's dummy), a stove, modesty screens, a mirror, a sewing machine (part etch), a chair, and selected clothing. For a whimsical touch I left a ladies coat hanging on an upstairs wall, and a ladies (red) straw hat in the ground rubble, as I thought the bright flash of red would work well against the faded greys and greens.
My view is that the rubble should be representative rather than exhaustive, so I think I've packed in about as much as I can without overwhelming the theme of the dio.
I still haven't improved the rafter ends. I am considering using Milliput to sculpt the ends as broken timber rather than gluing small stick ends in place; we'll see.
Hope you think there is some improvement!