. . . . Ok, lets just stay focused on the positive aspects that brought you hear today and what steps you hope to take to get better . . .
Oh! Yea right, sorry, Kinda got lost in the fantasy there. So I next found my self trying to score a M911 and my wife helped me fight that one. Then one day after my second child was born I just found my self on ebay and next I new I was buying a Faun. I mean, it all happened so quick there was no time to think, not that I was thinking, I mean, I just needed the fix. . . .and so here I am, with all of you. Well, thanks for listening. , . . .
Ok, so there it is. I am officially out of the closet as a dirty TT'er. I suppose its not that bad, I mean it could be worse, right? Once that first image of the Dragon Wagon was burned on my brain that was it. And when Tamiya came out with their's, oh nelly! Then a few years later Trumpeter drops this bomb on me and I just had to have it, and the price was right too. So although I have had this kit for at least two years I have been afraid to open it as there is just SO much plastic! Even the box is daunting to look at. That coupled with the fact that I cannot seem to find any other builds on here to help me along has lead me to keep this one on the shelf till now. With the Tank Transporter Campaign proposed and started, how could I not? It was like a Sirens call, good luck tying your self to the mast on that one.
So since I cannot find a step by step or even a build log I will attempt to bang this one out myself. The goal is to get this one done with in the time frame set by the campaign and hopefully a load for it as well. I have a great pic of a SLT in A-stan (I think) carrying a Fuchs, so that is my image that I am going off of.
I plan on using either the BIG ED PE set or the Lion Roar PE set that just arrived today. The BIG ED set looks more involved and looks to have more parts so I am leaning towads the LR set as I am hoping it will be less time consuming. We shall see.
Please feel free to ask questions or make suggestions, as I am open to either. I am armed with some good walk around photos from the web of both tractor and trailer, as well as the very thorough WWP book on the SLT. I have some new sand paper, a whole brand new tube of Tamiya putty and a few months before it gets too cold to work outside, without some layers and possibly gloves. So without further ado, lets dive in shall we? Tally HO!
I started this last night after a break in my other three builds where I could do no more work on any at the time and still had a few hours to kill. After opening the box, which is HUGE, by the way, I was confronted by an overwhelming amount of plastic. It is truly frightening for someone who does not have a TON of experience or too much common sense to know better. I have little of both, so good thing.
I have chosen to begin on the trailer as it was the first piece staring me in the face when I opened the box. The under side of the trailer has a BUNCH of BIG push marks that should be removed if you have any self respect or pride. I found this easy to do with some 220 grit paper. Once the surface is more level I went back over the area with some corus cloth (which I find is the BEST thing to have on hand for sanding) to smooth it all away. On the upper side of the trailer bed there are two depressions that need to be filled if you are attempting to make anything close to a replica of the real deal. This is easily accomplished with some Tamiya putty. Once this has set, hit it with the 220 then the corus cloth and you are good to go. Unfortunately for all of us, that is as far as I got last night, but hey, you gotta start somewhere right? The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step? So this is our first step. I am hopeful that progress will not be this painfully slow the whole time, and I am sure you do as well. Here are some photos, to help you sleep better. Cheers.