THis project is converting Dragons two jeep set of
Armored 4 X 4 1/4 ton trucks.
First off I need to do a little surgery on the Dragon Jeep body.

Now...on this last pic, there is a lot to do.
In order to mount two (2) spare tires, the location for the mounts needs to be changed.
This is to insure enough room for both tires.
I need to remove both grab-handles, Gas Can mount,
the tire resting plate, and the top of the tow pintle, I'll show why later on that.

Here are the two tire mounts glued in place with proper spacing.
(yes I had to scrafice another jeep for the second tire mounting bracket)

I will fall back onto the Matchbox LRDG set for many of the items,
I will use but they will all get the proper attention before they are added to this project.