Hi Gerry,
You have a lot of interesting elements going on here and a very active scene, something that's difficult to achieve.
The initial landing by 116th Regiment and the Rangers were from LCA's not LCVPs.
To me your LCVP looks too far up the beach, with a good portion of the boat out of the water.
I'd agree about the 'orange blood' not very realistic but that should be easy to dull down.
You have a good mix of figures that blend together well. Adding straps to the haversacks, back packs and life preservers would help improve the look of the soldiers kit. Also all the pants look the same colour and much too clean and dry.
It may be the photograph but all the obstacles look the same colour? You could vary the depth of rust around the joints to help give them more depth.
Your water, explosions and the LCVP are are really nicely done, but the sand spurts from the bullets seem much too thick and too high although I realise that would be a very difficult thing to model.
The defences were in depth so the tops of some obstacles sticking out of the water would be very appropriate.
I like what you've tried to do here a lot, there are many creative and excellent elements in the scene so well done. At the end of the day you have a setting that not many would attempt and with a little extra work one you could improve on if you wish.
Thanks for sharing, enjoyed it a lot.