Howdy Rob,
As usual my friend, your motor pool photos are 'hands down' favourites around here!! In fact, some of the 'newbies' here don't really realize precisely how much work you've done providing photos of vehicles you wouldn't normally find anywhere else! There was a time gents when the good Major 'G' would reach out and provide us with pics on demand!...Yeah, I'm not fibbing.
Anyway, many thx for the photos Rob, because
I for one, can really use them since I'm upgrading my standard 10-Ton HEMTT to a 16.5-Ton version and needed the outer wheel 'disc' detail so I could replicate it in styrene accurately.
Hey......I don't suppose you've got the time to snap a few more of the undercarriage and the interior do you?..........nah, fagedabowdit !! :-)