I am posting on this forum for the first time and hope you don't mind a 1/32 figure, rather than a 1/35 one. I had a little project where my local club devoted one meeting to Vietnam 1946-74 and everyone had to contribute something connected with that conflict. I decided to do a French Legionnaire at Dien Bien Phu and use some old Airfix Multipose to create the figure I wanted. It involved using the US Marine legs, a body and arms from probably the 8th Army set and a head from some set or other. The boots were detailed with micro rod laces and the uniform was built up from Green Stuff, some lead foil was used for the tapes at the back of the beret, the carbine sling and the binocular straps. After priming any 'rough' areas were painted with Mr Surfacer 1200, which smoothed them out just fine. The painting is done with Vallejo acrylics. I will post the finished item when I have taken the photos. Hope you find it interesting.
The figure after construction was complete...

After priming...

The face painted and initial painting of uniform...

Thanks for looking, all the best,