Thanks Karl, I worked that diorama's colours in the same way I did with Baba Yaga, the girls sort of symbolizes a form of purity (very pink !) which contrasts with the surrounding elements. but the trick was to make this purity blend with the aggressive surroundings, here the "green block", aggressive ground cover and rusting vehicle sort of stain the colour of the dress as the green-brown colours are somewhat reflected on the dress. This is what I wanted to do "artistically"
Yes Bob, I just read your text and that's exactly what i wanted to do! You are right about the colours and dead right about the freedom of interpretation. You know I have those "rules for better diroamas" with the second one being that a diorama must tell a story. Well, for diorama beginners definitely, but there is something beyond, now what I want to create are canvas for people to fill whatever they want in them!
and your interpretation is ace too!
Thanks Pete! Stupid me, I had all the material to do a great casting (homemade since November complete with vacuum pump and all) and didn't really think to cast that one. But i will with the next one (Baba yaga 2 I guess)
Indeed Biggles, she could, thanks for your take!
Thank you Christopher!
"He would have finished him off then and there, but pity stayed his hand. It's a pity I've run out of bullets, he thought, as he went back up the tunnel... "