So after seeing this poor tank near in ruins in my display case, I decided it was time to resurrect it and thrown on some paint. Using my trusty Aztec A320 airbrush, I laid down a base of Tamiya flat black, followed by a coat of german gray. I sprayed the center of the panels with XF-24 dark gray and gave it some blue highlight with XF-18 medium
blue. I believe the brown for the camo was XF-64 red brown.
I brushed future on where the decals would go, decaled it, then gave it two coats of future over the entire vehicle.
Ive been using Ak interactive washes, but had bought some earth tone chalk pastels and decided to grind them up and use them as pigment. I used odorless mineral spirits to apply them as a wash and was semi-pleased with the results. This morning i decided to try to tone down some of the oranginess with a more neutral tone and decided instead of using the mineral spirits to use rubbing alcohol which i was pretty sure I had read somewhere that it would work to fix the pigments. I quickly realized that the alcohol was too strong as I started to see the black base show through on some of the hinges and panel edges, but the effect was favorable as it appeared as wear. I coated the kit and left the room only to come back to inspect my work and find that the alcohol had attacked either the paint or the future and turned a good portion of the kit white!
Ive made a couple attempts to correct it using mineral spirits hopping that it would come off and tried brushing a coat of future on a panel or two and it still shows through.

Any suggestion on the best way to save this poor little kit would be greatly appreciated. I know i could respray the upper half at the least, but would have to strip and redo the decals in the process.