Thanks very much guys for all your nice comments. Hopefully I can get the figures to a good standard and add them in. I should be complete with this in about 2 weeks time, then I start a 1/16 cover-up dio/vignette using a Dream Catcher handschar division soldier and a verlinden 120mm flak 38 ....... maybe more dug in this time!
lestweforget - I made them over two days. I made a row or two and let them harden before I went higher. It was easier ths way to scribe the bag seam and add a little texture to them as well. If you build too high, too quickly it gets wobblyand can squash whats underneath!
Venom - The layout will be pretty much like the set-up in the first picture. I think you can see all thats happening. I have built 8 figures.... 2 boxes with 4 figures each.... but left out the guy on a stretcher and a medic attending to him for this same reason. A MG gunner would be a good idea but I want to keep this to injured and medics. There is actually one guy at the front looking back in a protection pose. The X-factor with this campaign is that there must be a flag and I am making a red-cross flag so hopefully there is a cease-fire while the injured are removed. Another thing is that this dio is viewable from 360 degrees, All sides are modelled. Another way of looking at it is when something like this happened there would be chaos, so hopefully this comes across when finished with wounded and medics running/laying about.
WeWillHold - My first attempt at a multi-media kit. It was hard work and frustrating sometimes trying to align things. It is a bit warped and can be seen on closer inspection. But it went together quickly and when together and painted it looks fine and the detail comes out nicely when washed/drybrushed. Italeri have this 75mm howitzer as a kit as well, and I would love to get my hands on it to compare