Hi folks,
Thanks for all your comments, they really do inspire me!
Chris & Tom, The main re-sculpted parts are: Front of the jackets, the arms, scarves and parts of the hands (to get a decent fit).
Jerry, quite a lot of my inspiration comes from your builds! Keep it up, my friend!
Dave, sorry. No WIP on this one, I'm afraid.
Mario! Good to see you here mate!
Quoted Text
see you are still working wonders with plastic figures
. I'm a very poor man after Christmas! Can't afford the resin figs like you rich Guys

Seriously though, I find the plasic fig lend themselves to conversion much better than the resin.
Bob & Karl, I try to keep the action in as small a space as possible, so as to keep the eye on the focus of the scene. No wasted space!
Conor, as Mario says, there are a couple of features over on HF, along with a build log, if you can find it! I am hoping to start another one soon though. Three figures this time (Getting ambitious now!). That will be on HF too, so keep checking over there!
All the best Guys and Happy New Year!