Over the time my Humbrol paints become gooey (I hope I spelled that right) and start to harden. Does it happen to you guys and what do you do to prevent it? I hate to loose so much paint
Mario M.
Campaigns Administrator
New York, United States Joined: February 28, 2002
KitMaker: 5,957 posts
Armorama: 2,956 posts
It sounds like the tin lid wasn't put back on thight and the Mineral Spirits evaporated. I prefer not to use paints in tins, You could try putting them in a glass bottle. (That can happen with them too )
when that happens to me i throw out the bottle,and go buy some more at a few of bucks a bottle its not a big deal. i dont like throwing paint out either,but good paint is too important. you wouldnt want to put bad paint on a good model would you? just my 2 cents worth.
Senior Editor ARMORAMA
Croatia Hrvatska Joined: February 13, 2002
KitMaker: 5,579 posts
Armorama: 2,988 posts
Sourkraut, that would be just fine, but where I live there just isn't big choice of paints to buy (DooHH). So, it would be ordering from the internet or going abroad to get them...
Mario M.
Indiana, United States Joined: May 11, 2002
KitMaker: 602 posts
Armorama: 256 posts
Sourkraut, that would be just fine, but where I live there just isn't big choice of paints to buy (DooHH). So, it would be ordering from the internet or going abroad to get them...
Mario M.
yes, i see where that would be a problem.i think i would order from the internet before i went abroad