Erik and Karl,
thank you too for your nice comments. Erik I had some issues to with the rear, as the Verlinden hull seemed to be 1-2mm to short. Iw ill try to snap a pic of the back of my model, no prob.
Karl I weathered like this:
After the painting I first applied chips with light green, the lightest color from the AK Inetractive 4BO modulation set. Then I used a wash from AK Interactive - Light rust. It was applied more like a filter. This was followed by another wash from AK - Dark Brown. BEfore application of the washes the area´s where covered with white spirit so the wash has no grip on the surface and stick around the details.
The dirt on the vehicle/tracks is a mix of MIG pigments. I used P232 Dry Mud, mixed with a little P038 African Earth and P034 Russian Earth. This was then mixed with acrylic resin from MIG and applied with an old brush. The dry/light mud is P027 Light dust. After that I used a bit of MIG´s pigment fixer. For the tracks I did not use the acrylic resin.
The dust on the vehicle was done with oils from Abteilung 502, Nr 035 Buff.
For the dust streaks on the turret I used AK Interactive "Rainmarks for NATO tanks". With this produkt I applied vertical lines and thos lines where later stumped with a flat brush with white spirit.
last but not least I used AK´s "Wet Effects Fluid" mixed with AK´s "Dark brown wash" to simulate the grime and diesel dots.
Sry for the bad english, I just hope you get what I mean.
All the best,