Thanks everybody for your kind words.
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but I was struck by the fact you said you have built this in a few days??
What the whole thing PE and all! Dear me - you must not have had any sleep during this time?
Twig: originally I wanted to do the model just OOB, and it took a bit more than a day to put it together and giving the base coat of paint, a wash an a bit of drybrush. Then I recognized that there was some lack in the detail and I started to add. All the PE and scratchbuiding work took something like 6 hours (full time on for that time). I'm quite fas working on PEs or scratchbuilt metal parts because I have no fear aof having them falling apart once in place just because I solder them...
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I'm kind of surprised that even though you've done all the other aftermarket, you haven't trimmed off and replaced the tie-downs and straps on the rear deck.
Hollwpoint: done!!!
By the way I've reworked the strap-ons on the extra fuel cans too...
C[ ]