First, step 1. In particular, building the workable suspension.

The instructions are filled with arrows showing where things should go, but not always clearly. I tried to keep assembly simple. First, here are the parts.

I selected the leaf spring arm and assembled it first.

It is much easier to clean up the seam line before assembly. Also, to get the end piece (not shown) to set properly, you will have to file and trim the end a bit as there is a very slight offset that will leave it crooked. Once that has set, I took the two piece axle arm (A3 to A6 and A4 to A5) and placed them, being careful not to glue the two parts together.

The mounting bracket has a part that attaches to the rear that will fit to the hull bottom. I added this before assembly as there are two small holes that the suspension arms will go into. If the bottom support part is added after full assembly, the glue may get into the holes and create a non working suspension.

The holes can be seen here. I set the part in poster-tac to hold it in place so I could assemble the unit.

I then placed the hub plate, adding glue carefully to the top only, and worked the suspension to make sure that any glue that leaked through would not set on the parts.

I assembled all units, but left the road wheels off for painting. I won't add the tires until the end of the build.

I did note that there are some minor sink marks on some of the leaf spring units. Next up is the idler. There are two choices. A two part assembly from the A sprue that is thick and chunky looking, or the much more delicate and refined looking slide molded part that is packaged separately.

I chose to use the better looking part. Into this are added etch rims. The rims are offset on the spokes, being flush with one side. When complete they have a sort of "Z" shape from front to rear.

Next were the drive sprockets. You again have two choices. You can add small bolt heads to the rims-12 to each rim- or use a rim that has the bolt heads molded in place. I assembled one rim with the individual bolt heads and determined that the molding quality of the pre-bolted rim was really quite good, and the individual bolt heads suffered from mold seams. The seam line was not big, but on a part that tiny it left them looking somewhat lopsided.

As I assembled the rims I noted that the inner and outer sprocket teeth did not line up properly.

I trimmed the locator tab so that the teeth would line up better and then completed assembly. I had read about this problem earlier in a separate build log so the problem was not just limited to my kit or skills.

The return rollers were also assembled without incident but are not pictured here.
Next up is the rear hull plate. Each idler mounting bracket is made up of 8 parts, and assembly is provided for in a drop box. There were no issues with any parts. I left off the arms until I place the tracks much later in the build. The muffler bracket, fuel filler cap, tow pintle and small access plate are installed. I also chose not to place the two etch chains yet as I will wait to knock them off later in the build.

Of note is sub assembly F, which is built here but not installed until the very end of the build.
This concludes step 1. Again, I hope this helps someone, and if there is anything I missed or messed up on, let me know.