Hello Sudeep
A nice simple idea but so attractive!
Regarding to your vignette's title, I simply assume that the soldaten hunt for a fresh duck for his lunch, right? If I'm right, you may add some kind of tools which may he would use to catch the duck soon before it escapes unexpectedly!
I suggest for a field knife or something equivalent to be added, IMO it could strengthen the natural meaning of the vignette
You may also replace the vegetation with smaller grass since such kind of vegetation, in my eyes, look like bunches of mini seaweeds, overscale for the duck to be eat, and may not suitable for ducks' breeding ground at all. Just find a DIY shorter grass from ex-used toothbrush or simply pick your choice from producer of static grass suitable for village-farm area
since I think it was very possible that your vignette represents a soldaten who hunt for a duck in a rural area.
Overall, it's a really nice touch Sudeep, can't wait for your another bigger build, congratulations!
Best regards from Indonesia