As with everything in our hobby, items are geared for those who wish convenience and possibly lack the raw material and skill. There are those that can scratchbuild an entire model, mix their own paint, washes and filters from bulk pigment, rend their own glue from roadkill...but for some of us these products are a godsend and add enjoyment to the hobby.
The Scenic Factory is, by far, not the only company that offers diorama groundwork products, and my review was based on other products that I've seen and used. Personally, I found these very realistic looking and high quality. Perhaps I should have added something in the photos to give a sense of scale as the images of the groundwork are very close up.
As far as samples, I thought that was very generous of John to offer these to a limited number of people in a reasonable shipping rate area...and a good business move as well. In my case, The Scenic Factory now has a lifelong customer