Walkaround is difficult. As far as I know there's no surviving example of the armoured version.
Sinsheim Museum does have an unarmoured 10/5 on diplay with a good selection of photos
HERE Prime Portal has a walkaround of the bog standard Sd.Kfz.10
THIS BUILD of the DML kit on Armorworkshop has a good selection of reference photos throughout the build (you may have to register and login to view the buildlog).
Other than that wartime photos are very scarce. When building mine I collected over 500 photos of the various Sd.Kfz.10s from all over the net and maybe a dozen were of the armoured 2cm version (and that covered both the 10/4 and 10/5) but the back end is the same for the unarmoured version as it is for the armoured.