Jan, thanks mate!, but, by the time I had seen your post I had already gone crazy on the weathering. rust streaks, mud, the works. but don't worry, its all very refined.!! I would love to get into some more braille, and quick projects like this ( one night start to finish) really get the juices flowing!!
AJ, cheers man! its a nice break from 35th dabbling, although they are meant for war gaming, they aren't bad, and a quick one night build sometimes does wonders for the ole motivation! there are a lot of these going on over at the beyond braille campaign. anyway. enough chatter, I present to you all,
Zvezda 1/100 Ba-10

base coat was humbrol light olive spray.
followed by a coat of hairspray
then I painted over Vallejo pure white in a sloppy manner, ( 1:1 with water)
Next up came a little scrubbing with a toothbrush and some old stiff brushes.
Next up came some mapping with white to give it the hand painted whitewash look.
next up a light Drybrush with Vallejo Russian uniform
next up was some light spots of chipping with Tamiya Xf58 olive green.
next was painting the markings with Vallejo cavalry brown
tires were done with Vallejo black, dry brushed with neutral gray.
AK winter streaking grime was the main wash.
followed by rust streaking with AK rust streaks,
finished by Unison color chalk pastel be36 ground into powder, mixed with MIG acrylic resin, stippled on to the areas where mud would go.
I then glossed the mus on the tires with Vallejo gloss varnish.