Well, for my 500th post...
Lt. Black-Hawk was pissed. He got escort duty...ok. He got sent out as a single escort for the old man's "partner"...ok. But then he got talked into doing overwatch while the "very important person" went out to survey the local area. Now, no radio contact. Lt. Black-Hawk was pissed.
"Anderson, keep trying to reach them the battalion net as well...you never know what they are listening to." Pvt. Anderson kept speaking into the mouthpiece, keying his mike, but trying to be silent. They had already had a run in with a local and a RPG...a domestically produced AT-4 he thought. Thank God the crazies also seemed to have piss-poor aim. Still a shame the little bastard got away though. "Echo 3 to Echo 1, do you copy, over?"
The Lt looked around him at the terrain. It was a beautiful pine forest, excellent view, except for the fact that he could not see anything he wanted to...like his charge. What was with high-ranking officers? Seems like the more rank you got, the dumber you got...all those brains seeping into the brain-bucket or what? That dumb-ass colonel had to go looking on his own, in "Indian country" (now there was a phrase he got a chuckle out of) and leave the "man in charge" behind. He knew he had been hoodwinked.
"Anderson, you just keep trying, jump freq's to the artillery net if you have to, but keep trying. I'm going to take McKinney and Holt and go spy up..." The LT heard a sound that chilled his blood.
Just like the sound of a big zipper being ripped down...ZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPP! Only one thing within 100 miles made that noise...and it was attached to the vehicle carrying the colonel. That was the "zoo" firing in anger.
He heard the distinctive sound of the diesel coming through the woods, apparently at breakneck speed. Something had Guntruck 2 spooked.
"Anderson! You got them!?"
"Sorry LT, they are not responding!"
"Load up! Eyes up and out, and Jerry, get up in the turret to help the Sarge...I'm not going up just yet."
"Yes Sir!" The corporal climbed into the commanders chair and started looking through the sight. "What the hell is going on Sarge?" He wispered. "Dammit kid, if I knew that, we wouldn't be sitting here stupid, now would we? Keep your eyes open...could be damned near anything...although to spook GT2....Bob knows his SH#$...he will get out just fine, and give them hell to boot. Look, here comes the GT now."
Guntruck 2, the bastard mating of a HEMTT 10 ton truck and a ZSU-23-4 turret, came crashing out of a woodline about 1500 meters away. The 25mm chaingun on the M115A1 "Montana" (well, that was the nicest nicname the govt ever gave this rig) trained out just behind the GT, looking for what was following her. Patiently she waited, but nothing followed. The ZSU turret's quad 23mm cannon's kept roaring though...then it hit Cpl Jerry Sanchez...the "zoo" was not pointing back or to the sides...it was pointing...UP!
Well I'll be kid...got a pair of fast movers...tell the LT we are deep in the Sh#$! " Cpl Sanchez dropped out of his seat and squirmed past Pvt Anderson to get out the back...and to the LT.
"Sarge says fast movers sir...two."
"Yup, corporal, I see them now...2 of them. The GT just clipped 1, they are heading away now. Remount and tell the Sarge to keep an eye on the treeline where GT2 came out...just in case."
"Yes Sir!" Jerry squirmed his way back in.
"LT, we got GT2, Sir!"
"Yeah Anderson, well I can yell at them now. Get things buttoned up, we want to move out fast before any more surprises come along."
While the activity around the M115A1 (affectionately called "Detroit Miss") picked up rapidly, Guntruck 2 came rolling up for a quick stop next to the upgunned M113. The passenger door opened and a figure in russian Woodland cammo fatigue jumped down. He was wearing the rank of a colonel.
"Hello Leutenant. Seems we found what we thought was up here after all. General Halloran should be pleased that all we lost was some ammo and a radio mount. You will have to send in the report to him and tell him that we had to deal with 2 Mig-27's...and they had the markings of the Chinese People's Airforce." Colonel Fofanov snorted, turned, and looked into the distance where the two planes had gone out of sight. This was going to really complicate things.
(Hope you guys liked it!
