Armor/AFV: Allied - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Allied forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
70TB Columbia Lou
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West-Vlaaderen, Belgium
Joined: December 01, 2002
KitMaker: 568 posts
Armorama: 528 posts
Posted: Saturday, April 06, 2013 - 08:39 AM UTC
Hey guys,

Does anyone have - or know where to find - reference pictures of Columbia Lou of the 70th TB around DDay?

I'm building this Sherman for the dday armour campaign, so some reference pictures would really be handy!


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West-Vlaaderen, Belgium
Joined: December 01, 2002
KitMaker: 568 posts
Armorama: 528 posts
Posted: Sunday, April 07, 2013 - 11:40 AM UTC
Ami right to say that these M4's had the early low bustle turret, so with split tank commander hatch, pistol port but no smoke mortar?

Meaning thus I have to fill the smoke mortar hole. Right?

All help is appreciated!

