About to dip my toe in the diorama world again, thanks to the recently released Crows RWS by blast for the Bushmaster, was one of 3 elements I was waiting for and I guess I can scratch the others..
This diorama will represent a PMV (bushmaster) somewhere in Afghanistan, probably in the AO of the Australians, Tarin Kowt for example.
I am at the early planning stages of layout, none of the models to be used in the diorama has been built, these are just dummy kits lying around that I will get mileage out of for layout designs. So to be clear these are NOT the models that will be in the diorama.
The storyline.
I want to stay pretty far away from a story - so much so that this could be considered a vignette (a storyless diorama) but with a couple of vehicles and figures, it has to have some narrative I guess, so maybe its a cross between the two ( a diorette maybe? or even a vigorama?) The reason I am limited in story is the very apparent lack of modern Australian dismounted figures. I have hopes some infantry will possibly be due before I complete this dio, but in the meantime I will use the very nice Black Dog Australian set (with sublte corrections as required).
The vehicles
The hero vehicle will be the PMV. I will do a bit of work on it to get it to diorama standard, which means, lots of backpacks, in field mods such as tow chains, counter IED kit, Radio setup, Blast models Crows RWS, and a scratchbuilt winch. I did see DEF models has some resin tyres so might have a look at them if I can see the inside hub first as from memory it was a complicated part of the kit to assemble. this vehicle will be in patrol config I guess, I will let the story find its own meaning as the scene develops.
The discovery vehicle will be a russian T55 with the turret blown off. LOTS of reference of this in Afghan. I will strip out the tamiya kit, install an engine (exposed and pillaged), install an interior ( I think verlinden and cmk do one), remove the fenders and replace road wheels with burnt out ones or something, and the obligatory white metal tracks (done with restraint as most wrecks seem to be missing their tracks??) the turret will be removed and inverted so we can see inside it. In the layout pics my turret is right side up but the final priduct would be inverted, and the barrel dipping into the reeds.
the topography (TSMEAC anyone?!)
I plan on having the T55 in a riverbed but the back quarter half buried into the wall of the riverbed, like the tank was at one time completely buried but the river when it flowed has eroded the mud and dirt from around its front to reveal itself. Obviously there has to be ALOT of bullrushes or reeds whatever the reference tells me is suitable. the turret likewise will be buried in the marsh, lots of reed stc growing through it, I would like the turret to be not immediately visible but to slowly be exposed the longer you look at the diorama. the riverbank will be a rock/ mud design of a natural formation. The PMV will sit on a ground level that is slightly higher than the T55's highest part. Mostly dry gravel, limited plants mabe some strewn rocks and stumps.
Flowing around the reeds will be water, if I can get my technique right I will try water to be flowing and pooling around the vehicles, little eddies etc and waves showing movement.
Im sticking with a circular design, so the eyes move from left to right starting with t55 then PMV, the figures and back to the t55, on second view I will try and have the turret reveal to the audience. but also remembering Shep Paines rules of layout - the western eye moves along straight lines and will follow off the edge of the dio (which we want to avoid). so trying to keep the eye moveing around in a natural clockwise fashion. I guess most of you who build dioramas would appreciate how important to get this balance right at the start is or the finished look will always be "queer" or unbalanced. Also I have decided to borrow from Verlindens foray into irregular bases and will try a kidney shaped design (shown roughly in the pictures) instead of the usual box. I would like this diorama to have more than one front and back and sides etc.
Lastly, the figures.
Figures tie the story together, so using what is available, I will have the driver and commander dismounted looking at both the ruined tank and a map at the same time. Perhaps they are marking the newly eroded vehicle on the map, or taking an opportunity to get a closer look or who knows what of a thousand excuses soldiers need to check out stuff like that. ( I know some will say they would not expose themselves in such a way for such a purpose, but the purpose may also develope along the way aswell). I would love to have the dismounts interacting with someone else - a goat herder maybe ? or another nationality such as Dutch, or British - especially if they had a minesweeper or dog handler ... the story grows.. lol
The thing is I beleive that for it to be a good dio, the landscape must be convincing - sans vehicles. this will be my challenge - water , reeds, rock dirt etc. The vehicle shouldnt be too much of a problem ( I have learned from my mistakes there I hope). The PMV could easily be replaced by any allied vehicle such as a wolf, Humvee or some spec ops guys in hilux's ? doesnt matter.
So here is a layout plan. Please - pick it to pieces! Call me a glutton for punishment but I'd rather you pick faults now with layout and design than after I order all the parts.
I have some great reference pics of T55's in abandoned turretless state, not in riverbeds, but theres plenty examples of soviet kit stuck in them (Brdms, Btr70's etc). I might need a good winch shot of the PMV but I know that wont be difficult to find.
Anyways if you read this much thanks! I look forward to any comments.
Adamski (letting it all hang out!)
PS if you havent read "Uncommon Soldier by Chris Masters, and your an Australian, I thoroughly reccomend it.