So this is where I stand tonight!
Hit the interior with Dark Yellow primer, dry fit the two hull pieces again, and I think these 4 studs need to go:
They really throw the fit off to the right. That's the only problem I can see right now...This is the radio and other bits:
Left out a few pieces in there to put on after I've painted them
This bit went together great. The fit into the lower hull is kinda off and kinda on, I guess it just depends on what day it is.
In the early model of this, the bench in the back was cushioned, so I'm going to try to get a good leather-ish type of look on it.
Black is thinned and laaid out in accordance with the shadows and shading I'm going for...
This has been fixed since I took the photos, but you kinda get the idea. I think it came out alright:
AAAAAANNNDDD, figures. I'm going to try to make a lot happening in this thing, just gotta be careful not to overdo it.
Spur of the moment buy, and it was a good one. The faces on this kit are pretty good too, but some will get Hornet heads. I won't use all of the guys, well I don't think so. Probably just the MP40 dude and the guy with the grenade.
Only 2 sprues? That made me nervous at first, but again, this kit is old, but it really is a great one. Think I'll buy it again later on for a different scene. This is probably one of the best Dragon figure kits I've ever bought.
This is the grenade guy's face. Pretty good I think.
This is the MP-40 gunner. Hornet head, scarf (WIP), and no arms yet.
And this is where he stands:
I need some tips here, fellas. On the box he's reloading his gun, but I'm thinking it would be cool to have him handling the MG42. Not quite sure which to do. If I leave him as is, that's cool and easy, but a bit boring. If I hook him up with the gun, that's awesome and grabs attention, but, I could really gaffe that off too. Opinions?
Finally, this guy. He was the Tamiya schwimmwagen driver, but now he's a beat up infantryman or grenadier. Dragon Gen2 head, and I'm working on his arms...
The head is kinda big, and the picture really enhances that, but I've seen it done plenty of times before, and it won't be too noticable when everything's together.
More to come later on!
Thanks for looing