Hi Taesung! Your figures are GREAT!!! Couldn't we see General George S. Patton done in several of his different uniforms? To my knowledge, no one has ever done Gen. Patton without a jacket as he was seen in Tunisia or in Sicily- There are several widely published photos of Gen. Patton dressed in his "Pinks": In shirtsleeves, and riding breeches (no "Ike" jacket), his trademark Sam Browne Belt with the 2 holstered revolvers and binoculars, highly polished US ARMY 3-buckled Elk-hide Cavalry Boots, topped off with his Flat Olive Drab M1 Steel helmet. There are also several photos of Patton in Tunisia, sitting on a big rock, watching a battle. He is wearing the same "Pinks". In addition, he is wearing what appears to be a heavy leather Irvine fleece-lined jacket, and his Flat Olive Drab M1 Helmet... For something really different, couldn't we see a figure of Japanese Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma? There are several photos and illustrations of Lt.Gen. Homma sitting on a chair with his hands resting on his Samurai Sword. He is wearing his IJA Open-collared Uniform jacket with white shirt opened at the neck and the IJA-pattern Pith Helmet, with of course, IJA Officers' Riding Breeches and Boots... Please..? Maybe it could be a whole new line for you- A 1/35 Famous Generals Series? There are numerous sets of Generals done in plastic, but none of them do the real men any justice. I think with your talents in sculpting faces, we'd finally have accurate representations of these famous military men... Thanks for reading...