I got all of the accompanying stuff to go with the tank when it first came out in the magazine edition (again, for far less than now) so yes, I have the tracks, PE, and barrel (the latter two were both included in the original detail up set).
The differences between the two versions, Kou and Otsu, (mantlet, body tweaks, vents on rear) don't matter when it comes to the PE because the PE is
only a muffler cover and license frame-- and those parts are exactly the same on both versions. Check out AJ Press' Japanese Armor 1931-1945 to see what I mean.
Here's the GUP Kou:
Here's the Otsu (note no difference in PE):

Besides, the PE no longer being available isn't really a major issue-- it's not like we're talking about a full-on Eduard set here.

If you can't get the PE, a generic mesh piece will pretty much do the job of muffler covering with some styrene strips for the bands. In fact, plenty of Type 89s were in the field with no muffler cover at all (only the bands), so it's even less of an issue.

The key thing about having the magazines is the content. Full build/ detailing article on the kit. An in-depth walk around of a restored example with lots of great detail shots, including a reenactor with accurate IJA tanker uniform.
Even at the price you're quoting, I think it's more than worth the additional $39 for the accurate historic decals, extra research material included, as well as other great articles. Definitely more so than a decal sheet with anime girls that won't even be used if building a historic example and an easily replaced PE part.
Again, your mileage may vary.

BTW, Kurt, will you be attending the PennConn in September at Carlisle? I'll be there if you want to meet up and I'd be happy to bring the mags along to show you.