Please note that this is still a WIP, and I did not think to take any photos earlier during the build. At this point, assembly has been finished, the paint layers have been applied, decals have been added, and it has received a wash of Burnt Umber oil paint (though, again,it seems as though I am still being too heavy with this). I am now at the stage of drybrushing to bring out some of the details and the adding the final weathering with Tamiya Weathering Master Pigments.
This is my first attempt at the hairspray technique and I think that I may have gotten a little bit carried away with it. What do you think: too much? As I am still yet to invest in an airbrush, this was painted with Tamiya spray cans: a base coat of Tamiya German Grey (TS-4), over which I sprayed a coat of Tamiya Dark Yellow (TS-3)

Once I have finished with the AFV, I will start on the plaster base by MIG created specially for the smaller panzers. Initially, I had planned to display this tank with the 2 figures pouring water (shown on the right hand side of the first photo below), although it wasn't until after I had assembled and painted them that I realised the base was too small to depict that scene without it looking too crowded. Thankfully, the kit comes with 2 other figures, so I will display the panzer with the seated figure sitting on the turret drinking (see 3rd photo below).

I welcome any suggestions, comments, and constructive criticism that you may have for me. Cheers.