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ICM has sent Armorama news of a new figure set in the works consisting of four WW2 German Police.
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GREAT REVIEW!!! THANKS!!! Some of these figures, the ones with the "Tuchrock"-style opened lapel blouses, can be converted to Pre-war "Allegemeine SS" figures with just a minimum of work, i.e., "Sam Browne belts, and replacing all "Police" insignia with SS-style insignia, deleting the left shoulder-boards, adding NSDAP Swastika Armbands, and adding a few other little details here and there... That is, if you're so inclined...
Think I'll buy a set to go with my ICM G4 (1939) Production. Or maybe I'll get an earlier mid-to-late 1930s Production G4...

Those ICM 35533 and 35534 Typ 770K "Grosser Mercedes" kits are on my list as well...