1) the original stowage on C11 was strapped down and probably already significantly weathered and dusty.
2) the stowage from C12 was already well weathered and dusty and then it was moved and piled haphazardly (they were under fire still) on top of the original gear
3) all of this must look convincing and not "plastic" for lack of a better term.
Knowing all of the above, I still have a limited time frame in which to work AND I do not have the necessary skills and or patience to make all of my own stowage (rucks and bags) from scratch. So we got what we got and we need to make it look good. In addition to this, there are certain elements that are very visible, even in the blurry pics taken from the news video.
SO, having done what I think is my due diligence and having placed the stowage in a "good" place I took some quick pics, removed it all and sprayed the turret with future. Oil washed started not too long after (it was hot today) with an orang-ish wash then various pin washes of varying shades of brown. So far, so good. The pics at the bottom are of the stowage arrangement prior to washes. I will continue to add washes as necessary over the next few days, but my goal is subtlety and NOT the bigger is better approach. My personal feeling is too many people over do it and really have no clue how an armored vehicle actually accumulates dirt and grim and wear and tear in the field and in various environments. Whatever is not accomplished with the washes will be picked up by the chalks later on.
SO, all for now, but progress continues. Cheers.