Jacob Hederstierna-Johnsen reviews the Dragon Models 15cm German Sturminfanterigeschütz.
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Sturminfanterigeschütz 33Posted: Sunday, July 28, 2013 - 06:30 AM UTC


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Posted: Sunday, July 28, 2013 - 06:59 AM UTC
Very nice review on the Sturminfanterigeschütz 33... another favorite AFV of mine.
I built the first kit and it is still waiting on some Friul Tracks but this kit is so much more complemented with the aluminum riffled barrel, PE, nice decals and for most of us, the DS tracks.
I may have to get this newer version even before the AM tracks to complete the other one.
Thanks for the look inside!
I built the first kit and it is still waiting on some Friul Tracks but this kit is so much more complemented with the aluminum riffled barrel, PE, nice decals and for most of us, the DS tracks.

I may have to get this newer version even before the AM tracks to complete the other one.

Thanks for the look inside!
Posted: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - 08:47 AM UTC
Jeff: Glad you liked it! Even though you're one of those DS Tracks Guys...



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Posted: Thursday, August 01, 2013 - 02:52 AM UTC
So what's the difference between this one and the last geschutz 33 of a couple of months ago (not the Imperial Dragon one)? I didn't think enough were produced to have different production runs. Maybe a couple of bolts more?


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Posted: Thursday, August 01, 2013 - 04:25 PM UTC
Quoted Text
So what's the difference between this one and the last geschutz 33 of a couple of months ago (not the Imperial Dragon one)? I didn't think enough were produced to have different production runs. Maybe a couple of bolts more?![]()
DML changed the driver's cigarette lighter on the dash to the later Sonderfunkgestellungswaffen43Ausf.O mit Spritzensparkengeraet... This was manufactured by the SIEG-HEIL! Waffenfabrik GmbH. (Gemeinschaft mit beshraenkte Haftung) which was located at Oberunterhosenhaven...



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Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 12:24 AM UTC
Quoted Text
So what's the difference between this one and the last geschutz 33 of a couple of months ago (not the Imperial Dragon one)? I didn't think enough were produced to have different production runs. Maybe a couple of bolts more?![]()
This kit's instructions have you fit the hull side hatches, although these were never fitted on the real vehicle...
Kit 6713 doesn't have this.
The kit is missing the gun sight. (Should be the same as on the Stug III.) This is missing in kit 6713 as well. The kit is also missing the glass block for the driver's visor. (Available in kit 6713.) Dragon didn't include sprue J, from the Stug III G/ Sturmpanzer IV, which has both these parts.
The pe set has the rings on the idlers as one piece, while the older kit (6713), has the later pe set, with the rings on the idlers made up of three parts each. (However the instructions in kit 6713 show the use of the original pe set.)
The construction of the rear fender is different in the kit (added pe parts on the underside).
This kit has you open up four square holes on the casemate sides. However these openings can't be seen on the real vehicle.
According to Panzer tracts 8-1 "Sturmpanzer", the ax on the LHS fender should be replaced with a shovel, pointing forwards. (Included in the kit.)
Leave off part A26.
All pics show the tow cables hanging from the superstructure sides. Having them mounted on the engine deck (under the stowage boxes), would probably have made them difficult to acces.
Finaly there's one less decal option in this kit of a three color vehicle.
Not sure why this release was done.
Link to review of kit 6713:
Link to the instructions of kit 6713:
Dishmodels has a good review, including info on the gun mount, which is incomplete in the kit:
Here's a side view of the real vehicle:

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