Here are some pictures of my SU/ISU family.
This started with Tamiya's old SU-85 I did some years ago and one day I got the idea to build the SU/ISU family. So far I have build :
SU-85 from Tamiya with Eduard zoom etch and Maquette tracks
SU-100 from Dragon with Master Club tracks (as solid as wet toilet paper...)
SU-122 from Tamiya with MK tracks and Eduard zoom etch set
SU-152 from Bronco OOB, tracks are almost MK quality, men they do not have the firm click when the pins go in the tracks as MK have. There are just too many microscopic parts for my liking and the sequence of assembly is not very good, Tamiya is still number 1 in this field.
ISU-152 from Tamiya with Friul tracks, and the model is greatly inspired by Sam Dwyer's ISU-152 from MMI. Thank's, Sam.
As you can see from the pictures, some models are just constructed and others have basic painting started.
I have started the Miniart SU-76, but it is more challenging due to the open fighting compartment and I would also like to complete the family with an ISU-122S based un the Tamiya ISU-152, friul tracks and the Armo ISU-122S conversion.
Enough talking, here are the pictures.




Any constructive comments are appriciated.
Happy modeling