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What makes the uniform ARM35106 German soldier with a dog of WWII is wearing "Warm weather"
OK, true he's not wearing the linen twill reed green fatigues. He's wearing a Model 1936 uniform without:
knit wool-rayon gloves,
woolen toque,
Heavy sheepskin overcoat,
felt overboots,
padded coat and trousers,
1942 winter over-uniform (in any of the three weights),
hooded parka with waist belt, bottom drawstring, double-buttoned flaps up the front,
felt face mask.
True, the German army mostly weathered the winter of 1941 in a summer kit. Still, he is not wearing any of the above Wehrmacht cold weather garb. Hey, put him in blizzard diorama if you wish but to me, he's enjoying Sommer.