Armor/AFV: Allied - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Allied forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
OT34/76 decals?
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United States
Joined: August 17, 2013
KitMaker: 1 posts
Armorama: 1 posts
Posted: Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 04:04 AM UTC
Hi guys,
after some years I´ve come back to the hobby (and loving it again!!!).
I´m building a Dragon OT34/76, great kit and my only issue is the lack of markings. The only one in the kit is for a winter camo vehicle. I wanted to keep it Russian Green (just don´t have the guts yet to cover it in white ).
The only aftermarket option I found has the "4 in a square" marking found in the vehicle under trial in Kubinka (and depicted in Steven Zaloga book). Under trials...it means not cool at all, I want a vehicle in combat.
Has any of you found decals covering an OT34/76 mod 1943???