Hi Mike,
I was going to post this link in a couple of days since Stephen has given me permission to use some of his photos in my own build blog. Right now I'm sorting out some kit parts that are included by Riich but left off of the instructions. I'll be showing these in my build blog along with scrap views from some of Steve's photo for location and painting.
This carrier is held in the collection of the "Ditsong National Museum of Military History," Johannesburg, SA. The photo album is courtesy of Stephen Tegner:
Stephen Tegner's Universal Carrier Photos This is the nicest, most complete carrier that I found in all of my searches.
(BTW: Steve also has a very nice photo album of a complete No. 19 radio set that you can link to from the carrier album.)
In regards to engine details, try searching for "restored Ford Flathead V8 engine." That engine was in production from about 1934 until around 1948, used in many different vehicles, and the hot rod community still soups them up.
There are some very nice photos of carriers undergoing restoration on the "Maple Leaf Up" website. That's where I found the details for the shifter and throttle linkages along with the details of the oil cooler manifold.
Good luck!