I agree with Scott's thoughts, but I must admit I like watching this diorama....
Sure the grass looks to be in an even colour, but it doesn't bother the overall picture IMHO. A bit of drybrushing couldn't hurt though. I definately would add some weeds near the fence and near the road. And on you hedgerow, a hedgerow that looks really good to me !!, I would drybrush some yellow on it.... not green, not white but yellow that is as yellow as yellow can be. Brush it on very delicately and you'll see this brightens up the hole hedgerow. Try this on some scrap first to see what I mean.
Finally I would add some track- and wheelmarks on the road... make it look like quite some vehicles passed this point. In the middle of the road you'll also find grass, or very small weeds most of the time.
Very promissing so far !