Dear Rick
First all, thank you very much for take your time to review this set, and thank you very much for the feedback.
I just wanted to clarify some points about your doubts, and I hope it can help a bit.
First one, the reason why not is not included a Red browm in this set is becuase it was already included in the 1945 acrylic set, released few months ago. We thought that, because many people bought that set, they already have that color, so, we can inlcude in this new set different colors to offer more range for all those german subject lovers.
In another hand during our investigations about german colors we found the very interesting Polizei-SS color (in fact both were a bit different, but we decided to unify in only one due the similitude). That color is common confused with German panzer grey, because in B/W pictures both colors have the same value. But after a long research, we found many S and Polizei units used specific colors that were not represented under RAL colors. This inlcuded color is great for all these new soft skins from Miniart or ICM, trucks, or small vehicles.
Finally, about the 2 Olivegrun, we found also a lot of information regarding this color. This color was in fact one color, not lighter versions, but only the darker one. In fact very dark. One good example is the fmoaus octopus King Tiger from 1945. We can see in these color pictures the real dark Olivgrun. During all war, the olivgrun was used straigt from the jar, showing vehciles with a high contrast between Dark Yellow and the green. But at the same time you can find many vehicles with lighter shades green. After a small reserach we found the Olivgrun was used in different ways, thinned with maybe petrol or other thinner, resulting in lighter greens. This is why there are big differences of contrast in vehicles from same years of the war.
So, we decided to include both greens, so modellers can decided what to use in each case.
I hope my explanation can be easy to understand, but my poor english is not enought good for this kind of technical issues. Sorry.
And thank you again!!!