I know this is just their old M1kit with some new parts (OK, many new parts

I have three built (DML, Tamiya and Academy) and three in boxes (RoG/DML, Italeri, Trumpeter). But actually I only want to have four of those left in my collection: Tamiya M1 (will need to rebuild it as it does not look quite good now), one DML converted to early M1A1 (again will rebuild the old model), one DML M1A1HA with TWMP and Italeri M1A2. Academy kit will be scrapped and used for spare parts (e.g. doghouse will be useful for converting DML kit to plain M1A1), Trumpeter kit will also be parts donor (I will try to use its suspension parts with DML kit to show the effect of TWMP weight on suspension).
If I buy the new Tamiya model I will build it as Marine M1A1HA.