Dmitry, absolutely stunning work. I myself am busy with this model since it was released. First built one out of the box, and for about 7 years now I am building a second one, but with detail as far as my abilities stretch. I have always used the Network54 forum as a reference guide and have David Parkers' book. Also Liejon Schoot has done a phantastic job on this one. But all parts you created so far are just so extremely well crafted, without exceptions. Next to this, you have the discipline to keep on going. Where did you find all the time needed?

I spend less time on it and don't have the precision as you show here. With my pace I will need another 10 years perhaps!
You have put so many effort in this project, it will be invaluable in price when finished. I wonder, are you never afraid of some disaster striking destroying all your work? A fire? Burglary? A little too enthusiastic child? ;-)
I notice myself, it worries me sometimes as years of work could be vanished in an instant and you can't just lock it in a safe every day. Just some thoughts.
Anyway, you are the master of modellers. Pictures usually show an enlarged image, the actual parts are often much smaller in real. To recreate all details in a realistic way is one thing, to make them work like real as you often did, is a BIG step further.
Yes, I just signed up here to comment, I just needed to express my admiration finally!