@Sgt_Pickle and weathering_one,Thanks for having a look and commenting. The purpose of these reviews is hopefully to help you make an informed purchasing decision.

@firstcircle - Matthew,
In my research the naming of the different versions of these Flak vehicles definitely proved confusing. For the sake of continuity I've referred to these vehicles by Dragon's box top name. One reference suggests that all these vehicles were candidates for a production vehicle that was to be initially referred to as Flakpanzer 341. Another, that these vehicles were part of a competition and the "winner" would have been referred to as Coelian. However, most Internet sources refer to the Coelian as the 37 mm gunned version. Similarly, it is suggested on a few sites that Flakpanzer V was the "unofficial" name for the 37 mm version. Go figure!

As for the painting scheme, I am at this point undecided. However, this paint issue caused me to re-examine the instructions and in particular the colour references and it appears that
I made a mistake. While the first two paint references have always been for the GSI Mr. Color range and the third for Model Master, with this particular kit the third reference is for
Italeri Paint No.? Now it gets even better! The reference numbers for the most part are for Model Master paints as the Italeri numbers are in the 4000+ range and also have a letter or two appended after them. For the "Nuremberg, 1945" scheme the base colour (the reddish brown) is called "Russet" with a number of 2063. After a quick search the only 2063 paint out there is a Model Master and it is "RAF Trainer Yellow Gloss"! The Dragon instruction inaccuracies strike again!
Pertaining to your review of the 5.5 cm version, as with the paint issue, I'm sure there is something that I might have missed in my previous Flakpanzer reviews.

I will be curious to read and see how the turret compares with the other two and whatever else you and the Jentz/Doyle book may unmask.