Anyways, remember them?

No? That's alright, I had forgotten about them on the workbench of nevermore for a couple months too. I've made slow but steady progress on the 2 brothers in arms:

Basic uniform painting is done for the guy on the left, and his blind buddy on the right should have his Dot 44 and Italian 3 tone done by weeks end. Hopefully the oak leaf and field grey will provide a good contrast against the other two schemes.
I've done the helmet and hat on the number 1 gunner as well. The hat looks a rough, but that's to contribute to the worn out look I'll (try) to give it.

Here he is with the number 2 gunner, who is not operating at full capacity. He's a good example of how my MM field grey is working. It's not too thin, but I'm wondering how I'll do the shadows and highlights because it seems like the look has already been achieved to a low standard.

And this is a rough idea of the final product

It's Verlinden's ruined church ceramic kit. Going to require a bit of interior work, but it shouldn't be impossible.
And finally, the picture I really like.

I'll have to figure out how to build a bombed out interior. That's going to be LOADS of fun...I can't tell if that was sarcasm yet, but we shall see.
As a side note, this is once of the figures complicating my ability to stay focused. One of a few winter grenadiers and paras that were originally going to be used with the church.

The hood is a very, very rough job right now, but it's coming along. I might post an update on my winter figs now and then on here, if I don't make a separate thread.
Thanks for looking!