Apologies if this is something that has been answered before, but I couldn't find anything on this network or Google that satisfied my question.
Right now I am attempting to paint some Masterbox Vietnam-era figures. I am looking for a way to show heavily faded uniforms, but my current techniques aren't getting me the result I want.
I start with Tamiya acrylics, thinned for brushing. I have NATO green, olive green, and deep green, and I used buff for lightening the colour. Generally these take two coats for proper coverage. Then I go back and hit the top of the clothing folds with a lighter tone. After sealing the paint job with Future and letting it dry a few days, I applied a thin brown ink wash (Citadel 'tone'). Finally, a dry brush with an extremely light green tone to try and achieve the fading that I am looking for.
Here is one example of how my process turns out:
What else can I do? Is there something in the paint job itself that I can change? Should I be using a lighter green 'tone' instead of a brown wash? Or is it all in the dry-brushing?
Thanks in advance for any tips or tricks. This is the first serious WIP that I've posted on the internet, ever.