I recently started doing research for some Russian armour I'm building and it clicked the results from airbrushing Tamiya and Gunze (to my eyes at least) give a "soft" finish to the coat (some colours make this more obvious than others) vs a more "thick" or "solid" finish on real armor. So I picked up some Tamiya enamel today and resprayed an M60 I had previously been working on unhappy with the finish. I think this is much closer to actual finish.
This a T-80 I recently completed for 48hour group build on another site and shows the effect I'm talking about of "soft" finish

This is the harder (more like vinyl?) effect that real armor has

This is the result from Tamiya enamel

Closer to the real thing IMO
What are other peoples opinions and preferences and why?
(Just trying to sort all this crap out in my head)