Somehow I ended up with Trupeters Neubaufahrzeug in my Mailbox, mainly cause I got if for cheap and there were some extra goodies in...
A few days later a friend of mine asked to do a little groupbuild, so I was in...
Due a series of misshaps (a loud party above our flat til late (...better early

So I had to do a small base or even a little diorama, to not leave them behind.
Iīve got the Reinmetall version (No. 1 of the 5 ever build) which was made of mild steel and was the only one wich never saw combat. So far a quite unique vehicle, as it was a multi turret design and had the spocket weel in the rear... a feature which was never seen again on German WWII tank.
As this vehicle must have stayed somewehere til it got scrapped, it had to stay somewhere, so I decided to show it "lonely and forgotten" in a factory yard somewhere in the early 1940ties...
Everyone aslep now? Great

I thought a bit about the setting and made some drafts:
the base:

and the main wall:

next update in a few minutes...